DEF LEPPARD is a band, a band that love to
listen to. The lead singer is Joe Elillot, I think he is one of the best
singers I’ve heard, but that’s in my opinion. The guitarist is Steve Clark
sadly he past away but will never be forgotten he gave the band a nice melody
that made them well them. The other guitarist is Phil Collen he makes the
guitar cry and it sounds so good. My favorite one is Rick Savage he is the bass
player he is such a wonderful person he makes the band laugh a lot he has amazing
hair and he soo cute but I mean when he was young he looked good now that he’s
old am not so sure. Rick Allen is the one who plays the drums I give him so
much credit, he is known as the THUNDERGOD he is know by that name because on
new years he lost his arm from a car accident
and they rushed him too the hospital and he remained consions so
basically he didn’t loose that much blood and they took him to the hosipital
and they put his arm back on and sadly it got infected and it seem very crule
because they took it out again and he knew now that he had a goal to achieve he
was going to learn how to play the drums he said ,”I am doing exactly what I
want amtouring the world and doing ever thing that I want and life was to easy
that this was the kick from the back side”. I mean he did learn how to play the
drums with one arm. The band made several hits like Pyromania, High N Dry, and
Hysteria. The band scored big with female fans there were actually the first
band to score big with female fans. Well they looked great they dress great
they were kind know like the party band DEF LEPPARD has been together for more
than half of there lifes and they were the first band to market themselves on
videos and there my favorite band I will always be a leppard.

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