Monday, October 7, 2013


 Music is like an energy that just makes it music to your ears and we all have certain types of music that we all like. My personal favorite is rock now some people may confuse this with thrash metal but its not like that diferent artist such as DEF LEPPARD, JOURNEY, VAN HALEN, BON JOVI, M CRUE, LED ZEPPLIN, and much more that I can keep on going for years each group of band has there own melody and that’s how you can tell the difference in each band the only difference is that there from thee 80’s and well I don’t live in that centry I wish I did and there will never be such a big hit in music likr in the 80’s now a days there is just pop and they all have the same beat which can get pretty annoying sometimes and I mean I don’t hate pop but like it can get pretty annoying at some times this is why I love the 80’s and I will never ever forget them <3333

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