Monday, October 21, 2013

“The Pros and Cons of Social Media.”

The good thing about them is that you get to meet different people, it’s also good for communication but maybe the bad things about them is that people get bullied get hated get hating comments, or like another bad thing might be that people get stalk by older people or girls that who are really young and older men are looking at there stuff now that catches the mans attention and then he will try to find her another thing that is bad is if they make another page about and its not really you that can also lead to serious consequces . There are other pages that are exciting like for example music if uyou go on a page were they have sure you might get all obsessesd over them like I did with some band but it can also help you like in order for you to relax music will do the key. Instragram is a page were you put all these photos of what you are doing and I think that its grat because lets say that you 

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